About polycarbonate

About us

Polyplast - first and only manufacturer of cellular polycarbonate sheets in Lithuania. The top quality equipment available at our plant and our experienced employees make it possible to accommodate both the existing and new clients with the polycarbonate sheets in due time and manner. The company's professional properties are reflected in its technically strong team, state-of-the-arm equipment and convenient location of the plant – Vilnius, Lithuania. Transportation of orders is carried out both by road and water, which allows to avoid any logistics issues.


Our company has been the largest distributor of polymer plastic in the Baltic States for nearly 10 years. Many years of experience in working with plastic used for industrial applications, manufacturing and advertising allowed us acquire an extensive experience in this business area. Having achieved the peak of professionalism, we strongly felt that it was time to build our own polymer plastic plant in Vilnius, Lithuania. It is the first and only plant producing cellular polycarbonate sheets in the Baltics.

About our plant

Realising the demand of the Baltic States and the entire European market in high quality polycarbonate sheets, we purchased the Omipa (Italy) production line. It is a complete production cycle line allowing to manufacture cellular polycarbonate.

The line conforms to all highest safety and quality requirements. This guarantees that the sheets produced at our plant conform to all top quality requirements. Omipa produced over 400 lines globally, which are used in 50 different countries worldwide.

Video about the plant and how Lithuanian polycarbonate is made




In our plant we have installed the production line “Omipa”, which allows us to manufacture cellular polycarbonate panels with or without strong UV protection layer. The Italian company “Omipa” is one of the largest manufacturers of such equipment. Currently, Omipa produced over 400 lines globally, which are used in 50 different countries worldwide.

Production Line

Currently, we have set up a single production line where we have invested about 4 million EUR. We will soon launch a second production line with an investment of over 7 million EUR.


Our polycarbonate sheets are available in thicknesses of 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 and 20 mm, custom length (RF standard 6 and 12 meters), width up to 2,100 mm. So far, the color of the panels is transparent, but we plan to expand the color range in the future.

About Polycarbonate

The use of polycarbonate is widely used - polycarbonate sheets are nowadays used for the production of road barriers, protective and advertising panels. They are used for bus and train stops, telephone booths, conservatories, greenhouses, shop window glazing, and are used to make sports car glasses, police panels, billboards, basketball boards and more.

In order to extend the scope of application, it is possible to incorporate various additives in the manufacturing process, which stabilize the effect of ultraviolet rays, increase the resistance to heat, cracks, blend fiberglass for strength and so on.

Our products are suitable for both individuals and the construction industry. The firsts (individuals) to buy polycarbonate sheets are building greenhouses and covering various roofs. Our polycarbonate panels can also be used for building facades, skylights of industrial buildings and so on.

Key Benefits

  • High thermal insulation
  • Lightweight panels
  • Impact resistance
  • Has high light transmission
  • Excellent construction durability
  • Weatherproof and UV resistant
  • Blocks almost all UV radiation
  • Easy to maintain and install
  • High fire resistance

Where you can use polycarbonate

  • For roofing and anywhere where glass would be used
  • Skylights and side lights
  • Conservatory Roofing
  • Covered trails
  • Illuminated signs and backgrounds
  • Decorative partitions
  • POP Commercial Screens
  • Greenhouse and garden roofing
  • For walls to reduce noise
  • Walls in hockey arenas
  • Pool covers

Polycarbonate Information table


Thickness (mm)

Double wall

4mm / 6mm / 8mm / 10mm


Tripple wall

16mm / 20mm


Tripple wall

16mm / 20mm


Tripple wall

16mm / 20mm


Five wall

10mm / 12mm

Join our team

Šiuo metu ieškome

Gamybos linijos operatorius

Dirbant mūsų komandoje TAU reikės
  • Valdyti polikarbonato gamybos liniją, nustatyti ir reguliuoti gamybos parametrus;
  • sekti gaminamo produkto parametrus;
  • užtikrinti gaminamo kanalinio polikarbonato kokybę, prižiūrėti gamybos procesą;
  • užtikrinti tvarką ir švarą savo darbo vietoje;
  • dirbti pamaininį darbą (yra naktinės pamainos).
Šis darbas skirtas TAU, jeigu
  • Turi techninį mąstymą ir gamybos operatoriaus patirties;
  • Sugebi operatyviai atlikti užduotis;
  • Pasižymi savarankiškumu ir atsakingu požiurių į darbą;
  • Sieki nuolat mokytis ir tobulėti;
  • Moki valdyti autokrautuvą (didelis privalumas).
Mes TAU siūlome
    • Pastovų darbą;
    • Draugišką, palaikantį kolektyvą;
    • Laiku mokamą atlyginimą (kuris perspektyvoje gali didėti) ir priedus, priklausančius nuo darbo rezultatų;
    • Kasdienį maitinimą ir sveikatos draudimą;

P.S. Darbovietės adresas Vilties g. 11, Kuprioniškės, Vilniaus r., M7 verslo centras

  • Nuo 1200 Eur/mėn. (į rankas)

Sandėlininkas - pakuotojas

Busi atsakingas už
  • Gamybos linijos produkcijos priėmimą;
  • produkcijos krovimą, pakavimą, paruošimą išvežimui;
  • gamybos ir sandėlio tvarkos priežiūra ir palaikymą.
Šis darbas skirtas TAU, jeigu
    • Esi geros fizinės būklės, be žalingų įpročių (darbas reikalauja nuolatinio buvimo „ant kojų” prie gamybos linijos, konvejeris dirba be sustojimo);
    • esi sąžiningas ir tvarkingas;
    • sugebi dirbti komandoje, atsakingai atlikti pareigas, jausti atsakomybę tiek už savę, tiek už savo kolegas;
    • turi galimybę ir norą dirbti naktines pamainas.

Privalumas jei turi autokrautuvo vairuotojo pažymėjimą

Prisijungęs prie mūsų komandos turėsi:
    • Pastovų darbą;
    • Draugišką, palaikantį kolektyvą;
    • Laiku mokamą atlyginimą (kuris perspektyvoje gali didėti) ir priedus, priklausančius nuo darbo rezultatų;
    • Kasdienį maitinimą ir sveikatos draudimą;

P.S. Darbovietės adresas Vilties g. 11, Kuprioniškės, Vilniaus r., M7 verslo centras

  • Nuo 800 Eur/mėn. (į rankas)
Savo CV siųsti į

We protect nature

We care about the environment and everyone's health, therefore, we are proud to state that Omipa production line is safe for human health and nature. The polycarbonate sheets made by means of the extrusion process are manufactured in the closed-cycle system, without emission of flue gas and odours. The scrap plastic remaining following completion of the production processes is being recycled. Ompia provides the EU approved certificates confirming that production will be environmentally friendly.

Our Contacts
+370 655 99 077
Vilties St. 11, Kuprioniškės, LT-13279 Vilnius